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Buy E-book

So, you've decided to join! In the e-book, you'll receive more detailed information and a plan of action. We work on appropriate levels and pay scales. Show us how much you want to earn each day.

  • Level 4

    Every month
    • E-book about our secret operation.
    • One task per day.
    • Tasks up to 50.000$.
    • High rates, very high profit.
    • Access to offers.
    • Limited offer.
  • Level 3

    Every month
    • E-book about our secret operation.
    • One task per day.
    • Tasks up to 10.000$.
    • Average rate, high profit.
    • Access to offers.
    • Limited offer.
  • Level 2

    Every month
    • E-book about our secret operation.
    • One task per day.
    • Tasks up to 1.000$.
    • Low rate, average profits.
    • Access to offers.
    • Limited offer.
  • Level 1

    Every month
    • E-book about our secret operation.
    • One tasks per day.
    • Tasks up to 200$.
    • Low rate, low profits.
    • Access to offers.
    • Limited offer.
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